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Evaluative Research for the Win with Performance Issues

Continuous research helped discover a huge issue with performance in loading times and blank screens in the OnDemand product.


  • Loading times decreased by 54% for our customers.

  • Research helped prioritized team on improving performance issues.

  • Monitoring product with HotJar fueled and continues to fuel this problem.



UX Researcher - Andelae McCoy

Image by John Schnobrich


  • User recordings session

  • User feedback

  • Quantitative Analysis Data

  • Qualitative Data

Image by Dan Cristian Pădureț


  • HotJar

  • Miro

  • Confluence

  • Microsoft Teams

  • Jira



Loading times/Blank screens

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The problem

Health Carousel’s digital products and tools do not perform at the speed and consistency needed to compete in travel nursing market.   Slow performance and the app freezing or failing to load continues to be a top concern in user feedback that Health Carousel receives.  The question brought to the team:​

How might we prioritize WHY it is slow and make a concerted effort to speed it up?



The approach

On-Going HotJar Research for the month gathering each day’s feedback (if any) and watching 10-20 high/moderate recordings to gain empathy, digging in to understand enough about the customers, environment, pain points, and usability of the product.

The study

What: On going monitoring HotJar research

Who: Potential candidates using HCTN application and tools

When: Daily

Where: OnDemand Product 

How: Gathering daily customers feedback and watching recordings 

Why: To gain understanding of how active customers use our product.  We conduct research by gaining empathy, digging in to understand enough about the users, environment, pain points, and product.

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Calculations from customers feedback kept in a monthly report.

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Customer recordings with links for easy access to team members in research report.



Why we need to prioritize app performance

I reflected the customers journey through every stage point with the business to show why this needed to become a priority.


Registration Stage

 Affects our customers from logging in.


Job searching stage

 Affects our customers during their search for a job.



Affects our customers at the profile/applying stage.




Affects our customers at application submissions. 

On-Assignment stage

Affects our customers while on-assignment.


Referrals stage

Affects customer referrals and brand perception.



Huge win for the business from this research!

This presentation made a huge impact and created teams to move priorities to our performance issues.  


  1. Decreased of loading times by 54% for our customers.

  2. Increased the number of candidates coming into OnDemand.

From the stakeholders and team

What happened after the presentation was this feedback:

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My learnings

  1. Impactful presentation = actions.

  2. Getting others involved in research - Having other team members watch recordings was validation for research.  

  3. Doing continuous research paid off.


  1. When research isn't validated - Sometimes research does not want to be seen or heard causing non-believers.

  2. Presenting double research, when research efforts could be used elsewhere.

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